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3D UV印刷

2011-12-10 17:23:33
3D UV印刷

3D UV印刷

3D UV印刷

3D UV印刷

3D UV印刷

3D UV印刷


In the price war that press headache for channel contend for in the 3C field of home appliance appears again. Reporters yesterday found, in "the history of the fierce price war " power behind, between the enterprise and supplier were fighting a running out. In addition to a significant increase of order, " channel promotion, manufacturers pay" let suppliers are suffering. In the industry, business enterprise and supplier relationships may be with the " price war " deteriorating.
Order bursting staff.In the price war that press headache for channel contend for in the 3C field of home appliance appears again. Reporters yesterday found, in "the history of the fierce price war " power behind, between the enterprise and supplier were fighting a running out. In addition to a significant increase of order, " channel promotion, manufacturers pay" let suppliers are suffering. In the industry, business enterprise and supplier relationships may be with the " price war " deteriorating.
Order bursting staff.

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