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      Google's previous search method in the main text, the default display ten search terms, although containing links, pictures and page preview and other elements, but still requires the user to read the page to judge. The new line of knowledge map is a more intuitive content, it is integrated in the search page to the right column, can provide users with maps, Wikipedia entries and other various knowledge.

      Knowledge mapping will undoubtedly bring great convenience. For example, users search for " Taj Mahal " ( Taj Mahal) when, Google map will show you a map of Taj Mahal location, Wikipedia presents, building knowledge ( height, opening time, designers ), and Taj Mahal will give the eponymous character and the casino and other information, in contrast to the original text-based search result presentation means, greatly enhance the user experience.

    • Pre:B 2015/11/8
    • Next:aVT 2013/6/11
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