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      Wholesale money market Broker's Firm BGC Partners analyst Colin Gillis ( Colin Gillis ) that Jackson, the scheme can solve the problem of the interests of both sides. Yahoo! " Part of their shares to Alibaba in exchange for the latter may be IPO, thus, Yahoo! Actually still has the ' substantial assets '. "

      Analysis of market mechanism the International (Susquehanna ) ( Herman Leung analyst Herman·Liang ) said: " Yahoo! Needs to be part of the shares sold back to Ma, so that the latter decided in the next 1 years, 2 years or 3 years the choice of listed. You must let MA content to obtain sufficient share. "

      In fact, Ma had hinted at such a deal in June last year, he sent to staff e-mail said: " our interests and the interests of electronic commerce industry and the increasing scale of consistent, so we could not be ruled out in the future to have the possibility of listing Alibaba group, because this is on the support and trust of our employees and shareholder returns. "

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